Monday, January 4, 2016

Serious Money

So it's been 14 years since Tanner's last dental check-up. And it's not because I'm neglectful. It's because Tanner has become big and strong like a bear and I wasn't quite sure which dentist would be willing to loose a couple of fingers. So I googled "autism dentist" and found a brave soul who understood the challenge. Of course we all knew that Tanner would have to be seriously sedated at a serious hospital but the silly dentist wanted to "just have a look" in his office first. I'm still not sure if the visit was a success. As soon as Tanner realized he was cornered he summoned crazy animal strength and threw us off him as if we were mere flies. The dentist didn't even get his little mirror in there. Like a pro, I drug Tanner out of the office while the office lady shouted "we'll call you!" Right.

But true to her word, the office set up an operating room time at the children's hospital and coordinated with our ENT to roto rooter Tanner's ears at the same time. So Tanner went to the serious hospital to be seriously anesthetized for a simple cleaning and 2 minor cavities. When we saw him in the recovery room he looked like an adult. His big hairy body was sprawled out and he wasn't as cute as the other little darlings in the beds next to him. I guess in another 14 yrs, when I get his teeth done again, I will have to take him to the big boy hospital.

Operating room charge, Recovery charge, Hospital charge, Anesthesia charge, Dentist charge,
medications and equipment.......$7,000!

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