Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Veritable Vegetable Kingdom

Behold The Beautiful Bounty of the Garden

Since it's harvest time and everyone is displaying their treasured
yield of vegetables, I thought I'd pick up the "harvest basket"
and reap the gleaning of Dave's cultivation. I toiled amongst the
handful of wee plants searching for my prized tomato.

Behold the perfection of the Roma! Yes, it is humble, maybe
even a bit runt-like but beautiful nonetheless.
Before I could make a lilliputian BLT, Tanner popped my
only gathering into his mouth.

The bell peppers are coming along nicely aren't they? This one
will go nicely in my thimble of salsa.

miniature jalapenos anyone?

1 comment:

jared said...

at least they are not all yellow and rotting, good thing farming and cultivating runs deep in the family. All the way back on Hosenfeld Road