Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What's Up With This Kid?

Let's say you were a stranger to the neighborhood and just
happened to drive by the Erickson's house. You would notice
a little kid with his sweatshirt on backwards and his pants
around one ankle.

You might be thinking "where are his parents and what
have they done to this poor little guy?"

Of course there are always explanations for Tanner. We put
his sweatshirt on backwards because he'll immediately unzip
it and take it off even if it's 20 degrees outside. It's not our
fault that the kid likes to take off his pants whenever he can.
This time the pant leg got caught on his shoe.

No big deal about the pants though, he'll just walk around
with them trailing behind him....it's a good thing your not
a stranger to our neighborhood!

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