Tuesday, October 20, 2009

First Fish at Fun Fieldtrip

Picture This:

A beat up fishing pole with no reel, just a 3 ft string on the end.
A hook but no bait
A pond packed full of stupid fish
Tanner catching a fish by its belly simply because the fish just happened to run into the hook

Next, Tanner realizes he has something heavy and wiggly on the end of the string so he proceeds to pull the poor fish out of the water, swing it around a bit and then he throws it back in the pond, loving the splash it makes. All the while, the unfortunate fish has a hook stuck in it's belly and is flying in and out of the water multiple times while Tanner giggles.

Then I rescued the poor creature from a confusing but agonizing death and made Tanner hold his fish....he gagged.

We also took a stroll through the haunted corn maze where every few yards Tanner would take a tumble into the corn because of the precarious footing. Then I'd have to hoist him back on his feet so that he could trip again, every time he would giggle as I growled at him to watch his feet.

It was a beautiful fall day


Suzanne said...

I couldn't catch a fish for the life of me at Tanner's age. Stinkin smart Mineral King fish!

Ed and Susan said...

Great Fish Story. . . was the field this week?

Kristi said...

That is awesome! Tanner Rocks! I need to not take fishing so seriously and learn to laugh and giggle more at the simple fun funny things. (Like catching a fish by its belly)