The best thing about road biking in Logan is the relative flatness of the country roads and the greeness of the alfalfa. We come back to Logan year after year to ride with 2000 other women and every time we drive into the valley each of us wonders why we don't live here. This time the fields seemed greener and the lakes were bluer and the birds were more colorful. Maybe this year I looked more at my surroundings than at the road ahead. I know I rode slower, thought more, enjoyed nature in more detail. The best thing about participating in the "ride for cancer" is that we get fed every fifteen miles. The organizers set up snacks and treats and energy bars and sandwiches, but mostly I go for the candy. I stock up on M&M's and Reese's and Red Vines. Of course there are fresh fruits aplenty and granola bars and peanut butter. I ride for the candy though. I ride for the ice cream sundae waiting for me at the finish line and for the cold diet coke fresh out of the fountain. I grab a fistful of Red Vines for the drive home.

eeww! no thanks.
Hey, there aren't any more Reese's peanut butter cups because they're in my pocket
I am ready for another fifteen miles!
Thanks mom and sisters for another great ride!
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