Rollerblading does NOT look fun. In fact, the only thing that comes to mind when I see a kid on skates is a gruesome broken bone. Not only a simple break but an arm which bends in all the wrong places or perhaps the glimpse of white bone poking through flesh. I've seen it all before. So when Hailey wanted rollerblades for Christmas I frowned. Then when Dave agreed that he would love to go skating together with his daughter, I grimaced. Well, she got rollerblades for Christmas.She rolled around the house for a couple of months, always holding onto a wall or a countertop. In the meantime I hid Dave's skates in the basement since he is an accident waiting to happen.
Now that it is summer it is about time Hailey tried the real thing. So while Dave was safe at work I took Hailey and Tanner out for a walk/skate. Since Tanner is in a wheelchair thingy it gave Hailey a perfect chance to hang on or let go of the chair as we walked. Before long she was going solo (as long as the trail was flat).
*note* Dave's skates are still far as I'm concerned he has no skates!! There is nothing more helpless than a full grown man with both arms in a cast--
rollerblading looks easy when there are things hold on to
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