The chill in the air reminds me that summer is coming to a close. I'm going to miss the long, hot days of watching the kids play in the water. I'm going to miss chasing a naked Tanner down the driveway after he decides to take his swim trunks off. I'm going to miss seeing Hailey's mud creations in the backyard. I think I'll even miss getting into a 120 degree car. Now it's time to say goodbye to the summer...
10 years ago
That picture of dave is awesome. That definitely has to go in the calendar!!!
Oh wendy, summer is sooo over! It makes me want to cry! No wait, we technically have one more week. Alright, get the bucket and the hose, the ice cream and mud. Check your kids out of school, Live it up!
Though summer is over for us Jason and Dave got a little "summer" activity in yesterday. I think Dave was able to get away from a very important "meeting" for his "job". Lucky boys!
For US, hopefully summer will come back as fast as it left. AWESOME PICTURES!
The Turtle Picture is sweet. Kids just love those turtles!
What a FUN BLOG! Loved your pictures and the priceless pose by Dave. Tanner and Hailey's pictures are sooooo fun
Love ya all
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