Friday, October 5, 2018

Seattle's Best

There was this moment when I felt a flood of wonderment. It was when I walked into the Ronald MacDonald House near Seattle Children's Hospital. I immediately understood that there are people out there in the world "catching" those who are "falling".  The Ronald MacDonald Charity gives grieving parents a place to crash, a place to feel safe, a bed to sleep in while their child is receiving treatment for cancer. Cancer sucks. It is a long haul. Months. Away. From. Home.
My sister is a mother. Her 16 yr old daughter has Leukemia. Both are in a strange place, far from family. They are succeeding. Bone marrow transplant is working. Both are feeling better. They are going to come home after six months of riding a terrifying rollercoaster.

I am glad there are good people who know when to fill a void.

Families of critically ill children need to know that there are nurses, doctors and "givers" who are committed to supporting their loved ones....I know that my sister and niece are getting the best Seattle Children's has to offer. I am so relieved.

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