Monday, May 30, 2016

Seismic Activity Recorded

The last time I took Tanner out among civilians I learned something. Don't do it!

We went to grandma's two story house. Tanner loves it there. He goes straight up the stairs and into the master bedroom where the TV and DVD player are kept. He was so excited to be at grandma's house that he leaped for joy... over... and....over...for two hours. Downstairs while we talked and ate dinner the light fixtures were jangling and swaying, the windows were rattling and the floor joists were splintering. The crazy, irregular thumping upstairs was tanner's way of being completely happy as he landed flat footed after getting some serious air under his legs.
Dad cringed, my sisters laughed nervously, I knowingly nodded. And finally when it was time to go home I had a serious problem on my hands. Tanner did not want to leave. And when Tanner doesn't want to do something he becomes strikingly terrible. As I engaged in hand to hand combat with the beast, trying to get him into the car, he "Mike Tyson'ed" me!

Throughout the week I got encouraging texts from my family urging me to bring Tanner to dinner the next Sunday and that the strong men could handle it! I declined. There's nothing worse than a grown man's bruised ego after he gets schooled by a retard!

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