Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sibs and Friends

Lately I have been thinking, really thinking. Usually I try not to go especially deep with my thoughts  regarding the past or the future because, frankly, both make me anxious. I don't have a handle on either one. Still I find myself examining the relationships I have with people; now, then and in the future. I notice that I am a finicky friend and tend to play it safe when conversations turn personal. I am a listening friend, not a sharing friend. Therefore friendships for me are superficial and fun. They come and go. Sibling relationships, however, are perpetual through thick and thin. I don't have to constantly maintain my alliances with each of my five sibs to know that they will always be there if I but reach out for them. The difference between mere friendships and strong sibships is that if I neglect a friendship it becomes unreliable and cool.Yet if I overlook my family for a time I know that they will still be there when I am ready to share a burden. The greatest aspect of having a big family is that each of us have a distinctive gift to give each other. Depending on our individual struggles there is always one of six who can be sympathetic to that particular obstacle. So, as a whole, my family offers solutions like a rainbow offers colors. I may not share everything with everyone but at least one of these colors are utilized depending on the flavor of my dilemma.

I have known my siblings all my life and each one of them is more valuable than any friend I could ever have.

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