Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tanner's Makeover

For years Tanner's bedroom has been in a state of constant construction. It has never been entirely completed. In one corner of his room there has always been a collection of mending supplies: sheet rock mud, trowels, sandpaper, a paint tray and roller. Every few days Dave patches a dent or a hole. Tanner's head goes through sheet rock like a hot knife through butter. 

patching, sanding and painting got frustrating

We found a solution to an endless job: MDF
FIBERBOARD!~ denser than sheet rock, denser than plywood, denser than particle board. In other words, harder than Tanner's head.

Dave got right to work veneering Tanner's walls with this "cement-like" board. He embellished the panels with a crown molding, made a protective cage around the glass window and bolted the bookcase to the wall. Now Tanner has a safe and good looking space of his own.

Tanner's head has met it's match. So far, no dents in the walls but there has been an unintended consequence.....


Don't worry! He will learn that he can bully the walls no longer.

1 comment:

Casey Hyer Photography said...

Hey that looks pretty good! Also I didn't notice your family photo on the header. good stuff!