Sunday, January 10, 2010

2010: A Year Of Hope

My Personal Obama

I started this new year with great hope for the future.
I was promised many things. "Soon", the box claimed,
"within 3-4 days, your Obama will have a full head of
growth". I interpreted this as meaning, soon my world
will grow more prosperous and full of opportunities. I
waited and waited. I worshiped and worshiped by Obama
daily, giving him water, misting his forehead. I pleaded
with him, " When can I expect this full head of change,
the glorious afro which I've been promised!

Six days later, still no change, at least no good change;
only a thin layer of slimy seeds. I was disappointed and
bewildered. The box PROMISED sprouting hope within
3-4 days. To appease my Obama, I gave him a soul
patch to encourage him, to assure him that I still think
that he's cool and that I still have hope.

It has been fourteen days since I brought Obama into
my home. I was just busting with optimism. Every
day I've prayed to the great terra cotta head; Yes We
Can!, Yes We Can! But the prosperous afro has
failed to materialize. All I've got now is a blooming
soul patch and some weak side burns. I was lead to
expect so much more....I'll tell you this much,
come 2012, I won't recommend buying another

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

This was soooo sad to me. I was hoping for change but instead all I got was some piece of crap sideburns?

Maybe if there was actually global warming the little seeds would have grown.

Did you remember to pay the Chia Tax? That could be the problem.

I think everyone has the right to Chia. It is so unfair that you people in Kaysville think you are the only people who deserve Chia. I propose we mandate Chia for all. Of course the "rich" will pay for it and it will make the whole world a beautiful place, kind of like Pandora on Avatar.