Monday, March 9, 2009

Having A Pet Is Hard Work

After Hailey's beloved goldfish "Goldie" died last year of complications from being old, Hailey begged and begged for a replacement pet. Her grief softened my heart and I consented to the purchase of a warm-blooded mammal which could be held and cuddled.
Ten months later, Hailey still cares for her pet guinea pig "Sniffles" as attentively as when we first brought him home from the pet store.

She feeds him guinea food, hay, cucumbers, apples and oranges

She gives him a bath twice a month

She cleans his cage out every three days

She vacuums up guinea pig messes whenever I ask.

Never a day goes by that Hailey doesn't play with her pet.


Kristi said...

So Cute! That is how you know she will make a great mom someday!

Ed and Susan said...

Good for Hailey and Good for you!
Glad to see Hailey is getting the guidance so important in these days. Take care of what you have.

Nanette said...

Every three days?! You need to get a turtle. I change pig's cage maybe twice a year. And it doesn't stink! (at least I don't think it does...)

Ed and Susan said...

Hailey is so good at taking care of her new pet. I wish I had one too, but my mom thinks I wouldn't handle it very good. So good luck.

Love, Ashtyn

(ps. i'm using Grandma & Grandpa's computer)