Saturday, December 27, 2008

Our Christmas 2008

Dave finally gets the gift he's dreamed about since he was a child---A DRUM SET!!

Complete with a rocker T-shirt and leather fringed gloves---ROCK ON!

A total surprise for Hailey--- A loft bed with "tween" colors, no more pink for Hailey

A remote control!!! This is the best present EVER in the history of the world !!!

Wow, and IRON....with steam and retractable cord....neat

Alisa confused Mom with a positive pregnancy test

The rest of the night was spent explaining the birds and the bees to the parents


We had a great Christmas with a fantastic family. It makes me grateful for the advantages of strong family ties. We will never know loneliness, boredom or isolation which is so common in a world where most people pride themselves on being independent. I love the closeness we all share, I love knowing that I will see you all very soon instead of once or twice a year. Thank you EVERYBODY for staying close and available to us. It is an immeasurable comfort.




Suzanne said...

Cool Post Wendy!

Suzanne and I always are talking about exactly what you said: How lucky we are the entire family lives close to each other (we consider the most northern reaches of Davis county still close). What makes it even better is we don't hate each other's guts like a lot of families do!

Love the pictures, I can't tell who is the more excited little boy about his present, Dave or Tanner!

See you guys tomorrow, that makes three times this week!

Suzanne said...

There is a lot to say about not ever having to worry about loneliness. How lucky we are!!! Next year I expect Dave to join in our family Christmas performance with his drums. He and Ryland can do a duet.

Suzanne said...

By the way...I LOOOOVE Hailey's bed!!!

Ed and Susan said...

Loved your Blog! and especially the sentiment of our FAMILY'S TOGETHERNESS. What great pictures!. Loved Dave's smile it radiated the whole blog. Tanner's infectious smile--loves his remote.
And Hailey, what a cool bedroom set. Can't wait to go North to see it. Wendy--an iron???
We're still reeling with excitement for Alisa and Casey's announcement. There is nothing more wonderful than that! YEA YEA