Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mommy -Daughter Outing to the Library

So Hailey asked me the million dollar question this week: "You know that one Simpsons episode where those swimmy things with Homer's head on them go towards Marge's egg? What does that mean??
I immediately called Dave and told him "It is Time!!, I'm taking Hailey to the library for "THE TALK"".

Hailey and I chose a nice, cozy and deserted corner in the library and pulled out the most excellent coming of age book "WHERE DID I COME FROM?" If people wandered too close to us Hailey would frantically whisper "put the book down, mom, I don't want them to see." We only had to move to a different corner three times!!!

All in all, it was a real eye opener for the poor girl, and I mean a wide eye opener. But now Hailey and I have a special bond...we both know how it works.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Oh what good times!!! We had "the talk" with Chandler in the summer. Memorable comments will always be hearing a crying boy say, "I want kids but I DON'T WANT TO DO THAT!!!" OR with a very serious look asked, "How long does it take, a don't tell me it takes an hour?" Hey, they asked :)