When the Hosenfelds go to California we always do it in style. In the past we have rented a beach house: fully furnished, fabulously decorated, fantastically adjacent to the beach. These vacations have been the highlight of our year; having all the Hosen's living together in harmony. Relative harmony...mostly. Twenty three people in the same house at the same time. Six different mini-families in the same house at the same time.... Everyone in the kitchen of the same house at the same time. This year mom went ALL IN! I mean she took all my dad's money and threw it into the most beautiful beach house I have ever imagined. She rented one of those untouchable movie-star type palaces that I used to stare at in absolute awe! And it was 100yds from our beloved San Clemente beaches. There was a jungle pool. There was a hot tub. There were decks. The big kids played together, the "littles"got along and the parents were sooo happy and content. Nothing more to say.

We reluctantly pulled ourselves away from paradise for a day trip to San Diego, which turned out to be another success. La Jolla sea lions and tide pools were a great addition to this excellent experience.
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