Monday, September 7, 2015

Family Fun In Sun Valley

It's that time of year when the Hosenfeld dynasty packs up and hits the road for adventure. This year we travelled to Sun Valley, Idaho where there was plenty to do every day and every second. The parents set us all up in a couple of posh condos right at the base of Warm Springs ski resort. As always my hyper active family kept us busy for four days straight.

After being on the road for 5 hrs we were greeted by my mom urging us back into our car. It was time to go do something already. In the twilight we watched the kids swing from an iron bridge barely skimming the cold river water. It was sparkly.

Next day we indulged our children by taking a horse ride through the mountains. 

Next day we rafted the Salmon river

Next day we hiked to a lily pond

Then on our way back home we stopped at "Craters of the Moon" and got fried by the heat of the sun

So, as always, our adventures were diverse and super fun.  From green, forested mountains to black lava fields.....
From a modern swimming pool at the condo to riding the rapids of a wild river....
From a lush lily pond to a dusty horse trail...

Thanks Mom and Dad

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