Saturday, April 19, 2014

It Was Fun When I Was Twelve

I understand that my birthday comes around once a year, every year. I would probably forget that special day if it were not for the persistent and relentless persecution I endure by the hands of family and friends. I'm not too keen on getting older and I realize I'm getting older when I can't remember how old I am. Still people insist on celebrating. But I know that if nobody did anything on my special day I would be disappointed and even a bit indignant. So thank you everybody for reminding me that I am not an island.

I'm glad I get to share the Birthday Joy with Hailey, we're
birthday buddies born in April

A very practical gift for an old gal like me. Now I won't have to strain my delicate shoulder trying to get the machines to start.

I bet when I was twelve I got toys instead of landscaping equipment

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