Monday, April 28, 2014

Spaghetti #2

Five years ago I recorded the kooky way Tanner ate spaghetti. He was 11 years old then and was so specific with his method of eating pasta. For some unknown reason Tanner felt compelled to put a handful of the noodles onto the counter first before he stuffed it in his mouth. I always wondered why he did this with just spaghetti and nothing else. Recently I watched as he ate his noodles and realized that he does the exact same quirky thing he did all those years ago. So every five years I think Iwill make a spaghetti video of Tanner and I bet he will continue to eat the same way.

Spaghetti 2007

Saturday, April 19, 2014

It Was Fun When I Was Twelve

I understand that my birthday comes around once a year, every year. I would probably forget that special day if it were not for the persistent and relentless persecution I endure by the hands of family and friends. I'm not too keen on getting older and I realize I'm getting older when I can't remember how old I am. Still people insist on celebrating. But I know that if nobody did anything on my special day I would be disappointed and even a bit indignant. So thank you everybody for reminding me that I am not an island.

I'm glad I get to share the Birthday Joy with Hailey, we're
birthday buddies born in April

A very practical gift for an old gal like me. Now I won't have to strain my delicate shoulder trying to get the machines to start.

I bet when I was twelve I got toys instead of landscaping equipment

Saturday, April 12, 2014

No Big Deal Birthday

Well, my little daughter turned 15 today. I can't say it was a joyful occasion because, you see, teenagers aren't allowed to celebrate and be merry. They are very serious people. Enjoyment is seen as a weakness. When I asked Hailey what she wanted to do on her special day she said....nothing.  So for my own benefit I took balloons and donuts to her soccer game and made everyone sing "happy birthday" to her. How embarrassing!

And since Hailey turns 15 only once in a lifetime we felt obligated to get her a gift (although when asked what she wanted she said....nothing).

Now that the birthday cheer has petered out I can only look back nostalgically at  Hailey's past birthdays to find the true joy and wonder of childhood.

-----first bike 5yrs old

-----second bike 8yrs old

-----third bike 11yrs old

-----LAST bike 15yrs old

-----NEXT year??? Good luck sweetheart, you're going to need it!!