Celebrating Tanner's birthday always puts me in a predicament. I agree that "the more the merrier" makes for a fun party. I love to get the whole family together for birthday celebrations and holidays. I love the noise and the chaos and the laughter. Except, Tanner goes bonkers when he has to share his house with others. The solution has always been, and continues to be, a pre-emptive sedation cocktail administered to Tanner in preparation for the ensuing "intrusion". I give him a soothing mixture of mild tranquilizers so that he doesn't have a nuclear melt down during the festivities. A dilemma arises however when the boy is too sleepy to participate in his own birthday party. Of course we all agree that Tanner is easier to handle when he is asleep but it would be nice if he could acknowledge the birthday cake and gifts which are are arranged around him ready to be opened and enjoyed. Luckily we all have a good laugh at the fact that he sleeps through his special day every year.
This year, in addition to the family hullabaloo, we tried a very quiet and private "Tanner Only" birthday event where he could sit on his exclusive couch and watch his own show just the way he wanted it. So, while fully awake and barely able to pull his eyes from the TV screen, he opened a gift and stuck his finger in his own private birthday donut. After all, Tanner doesn't even know the significance of celebrating one more year. But that doesn't mean that I can't celebrate it for him by having a party
on his behalf.
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