Monday, September 9, 2013

Our Home Gym

Tanner has invented a new way to keep fit while at home. His routine is a little unusual but has proven to be very effective for him. He has lost two of his four belly rolls this summer and is looking like a contender. His cardio routine involves constant "back & forth" motion, slapping the wall or counter top in between reps. He also manages to fit in a few vertical jumps for muscle conditioning. Then for his abdomen work-out he has found "the couch" method very dynamic (if not destructive). To enhance his regimen he listens to the "Angry Birds" soundtrack which is very motivating (if not maniacal).

                                                         SEE VIDEO BELOW

1 comment:

Kristi said...

That music just screams .... "Lets get our workout on!"
Or it says "I am gonna go jump off a cliff" either way.