Sniffles was a good guinea pig. He was a happy guinea pig.
We had sniffles for six years and there wasn't a day when Hailey
didn't pick him up and play with him. Hailey learned his language.
She could tell his mood by the tone of his squeaks. I thought that
Sniffles was a funny guinea pig. He would squeak every time I
opened the fridge and he squeaked extra loud when he heard the
potato peeler rattle. We gave him lots of peelings. His favorite
was pear. Sniffles was also a loud guinea pig. He rattled his cage
with his teeth and chewed on his water bottle. He squeaked when
anyone came near his cage. He loved attention.Lately it has been
extra quiet and it makes us sad.

Dave made a little box for Sniffle"s little body
Hailey wrote a card with all her feelings on it
Dave dug a deep grave under the pear tree
Sniffles was a great pet. We will miss him
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