Fun With The Girls
St. George, Utah

Make-a-Wish 100 mile. Never mind that we only did 30 miles.
Once again mom made arrangements for us girls to do another
big bike ride. This time our destination was a quick 6 hour car
ride away, and why not bring the kids and a couple of husbands
to take care of the kids. The drive time went by expeditiously:
giggling girls in the back, gossiping moms in the front. After
enjoying the St. George sand dunes and cliffs with the kids, us
moms took off to do the anticipated ride. The funny thing is that
we all felt content to do just 30 of the 100 miles, unheard of in
this family. So after a casual jaunt around town on the bikes we
rejoined the kids at the hotel pool and sat around for the rest of
the day, highly unusual for athletic women such as ourselves.
I think we're going soft!
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