Monday, September 20, 2010

The First Ten Years

It all started one autumn afternoon in September. I was
just dying for a "Beef 'n Cheddar" at the Arby's not far from
my parent's house. He was dying for an "Albuquerque Turkey"
at that very same time and place. Little did I know that the
timid guy giving me the eye across the room would end up
being my husband. That was exactly twenty years ago.
A year and a half after that fateful meeting we tied the knot.

Just look
at that young, hopeful couple,
ready to begin a long
and glorious life together

promised to always have fun and do new things...which
is what we always did.

I changed my hair color from time to time while he watched
his hair go from the top of his head to the inside of his ears

Back then neither of us felt insecure in swim wear. I could
wear a bikini and he still had a bum

When we climbed Angel's Landing for the first time neither
one of us considered pushing the other off the cliff

And we were very fashionable. He wore his big sunglasses, I wore
my lycra bike shorts....everywhere

Everywhere we went together was paradise

When Tanner came along we brought him with first

When Hailey joined us we still had fun

Two kids later
we're still looking pretty good

Still, there's the Second Decade.......


Jason Poulsen said... the pics....can't wait to see the pics from dave's "Prostate exam years".....

Ed and Susan said...

I remember how Dave won over Jared and Alisa taking them to BYU games with his families season tickets. Jared was a BYU fan then and Alisa just enjoyed the fun of hanging out with entertaining, funny, Dave