all over the kitchen. Hailey decided to make bread dough "all by
herself".Flour plus water equals sticky dough.....cool....
How does it taste Hailey?

will it work?
uh, no

doesn't rummage through her things. Last week I
opened her door for a little cleaning/snooping and I
was shocked by the smell of a cigar. Hailey had
promised me that she wouldn't smoke cigars until
she left home. I began to feel betrayed until I realized
that the smell came from the guinea pig's new cedar
bedding. What a relief! There is nothing worse than
a 10 year old with a cigar smoking habit.

Finally the wall bit back
I've always known that Tanner's brain has a fair amount
of damage, but this week I discovered how damaged
it really is. He has spent a lot of time staring at the
psychedelic screen saver while listening to Pink Floyd
music. If he could talk perhaps he would ask for some
medical marijuana.

Tanner is just chillaxin'. Ain't no thang . . .
I'm still laughing over the "cigar smell"
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