Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Contest Motivates Slow-Poke

For seven years I've looked out my back window, seeing an unorganized pile of boulders and dirt. Occasionally, I'd see Dave standing there scratching his head, shovel in hand. Not a lot was happening with this strange collection of various sized rocks, pipes and plastic sheeting. All of a sudden on one summer day, I resorted to the lowest form of human manipulation; bribery . I said, If you can get this thing done in a month I'll give you a hundred bucks, from MY account. The contest began. It wasn't about the money;
it was about winning and Dave is a winner.

p.s. It's a Waterfall!!


Kristi said...

Way to go! Totally worth 100 bucks

Ed and Susan said...

WOW! can't wait to see it up close. I'm sure having the family reunion was also helpful with the project.