Intermountain Health Care building
I spend most of my time in the ER, OR, NICU, and any of the 6 ICU's in this hospital

I take this behemoth into the Operating Room where it's images help put bones or arteries back together. Almost all surgeries utilize this machine : kidney stones, gall bladder ducts, back and neck procedures, vascular reconstruction, orthopedics, line placements......

After I take a picture I look at it and determine whether it can be used to diagnose. All our images are on a digital computer.

Many times I just wheel my portable x-ray machine into a patients room and take the picture while they are in bed.

If the patient is healthy enough it is easier to x-ray them on the x-ray table. The digital pictures are amazing! I continually marvel at how remarkable x-ray imaging is. My job is to help visualize the problem so that it can be fixed. WOW!
So, what does Wendy do in her spare time?...why, she goes to work. Three nights a week I take a break from my payless job at home and enter the world of the employed. I push buttons, lift heavy things, operate complicated equipment, deal with bariatrics, pediatrics, geriatrics, egomaniacs, and lunatics all in an evenings work. And let's not forget...I save lives!! Oh yeah. Without the miracles of medical science and x-ray imaging we would all be in a pickle. Of course, somebody has to push the button that produces those invisible, dangerous yet invaluable x-rays. That's my job...sometimes it ain't pretty but it is most certainly never dull.
Great Presentation! Loved the technical explanations for what you do. It's wonderful that you still enjoy your work, which is an important contribution to the health care of many. BRAVO
Nice yob with the info about your yob. Is that were you learned all the cool stuff you told Hailey about making babies? The only thing I would add is that you forgot to tell people how you give cancer to anesthesiologists with all of your evil radiation! :) Also, if Dave has started to show some curiosity and you feel like you need some help explaining "things" to him in the birds and the bees department, just let me know. It might make him embarrassed if he had to talk about those things with a girl. :)
A job? Sounds awful....
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