Conservative Suicide Hotline: Hello, how can I help you?
Dave: Give me a reason to live, just one reason!!!
Hotline: Remember sir, you can always hope for change.
Dave: You want change?, I'll give you change !! I'm now an out of work alcoholic and I'll never have to pay taxes again. How do like them apples Obama???
Hotline: That's right sir!! You're better off now that government can take care of you. Think about it...you don't have to work if you don't want to, in fact, the only thing you'll need to do is walk to the mailbox for your welfare check.
Dave: I feel better already... pass the bottle!
Nanette and i can not stop laughing... mostly because we know this is how Dave really felt. Just remember what Obama said to you tonight. "for those who did not vote for me, i am still your president" Find comfort in that.
I can just see him pacing around getting all crazy. I love it!
But Dave, yes we can!! :)
At least Dave has the bottle to turn to. Jason has become an xboxaholic. He sits in a daze on the couch playing football. At least there is hope for him to win.
My hope is that they both survive.
Wait Dave, you mean you didn't vote for change? How sad. I can't wait for you to read Atlas Shrugged. It goes perfectly. Sorry I stole it from you.
A VOICE OF HOPE: Now that the great one is soon to be our leader we can be assured that there will be a chicken in every pot. For those who would prefer not to work and have the disease of drinking too much (no fault of their own) will be awarded two chickens in their pot--fully cooked so they won't have to get off the couch.
We are headed for a kinder and friendlier nation, where we need to learn to love our enemies with the same zeal that our enemies hate us. The Times They Are A Changing. Excuse me, while I change my clothes--I just threw up all over myself Dad
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