Looks just like the coast , but only 45 min. away
roared past. Just like the ocean!
This weekend we took a drive up to North Fork Canyon, participated in some wholesome church games and watched as dozens of kids gathered around a campfire with their sticks on fire. We all camped in a big field side by side. At 5:30 a.m. as the sky was barely getting light, the men started making breakfast and the kids came alive in all their noisiness. By 9:00 a.m. everybody was packed up and headed back to the city. Since the day was still young, we stopped off at Pineview Reservoir and found a beach much like the kind you would find in California. Tanner was so excited that he nearly rolled down the hillside to get to the water, Hailey ran around exclaiming "it's just like the ocean"! The sand was that nice soft brown type, good for sandcastles and best of all there were still little rocks for Tanner to throw into the water. Whenever a boat went by we would get little waves which would knock Tanner over. Hailey tried body surfing on her floatie. So you see, we can get a little ocean fun and only drive 45 minutes.
Loved your newest Blog & Pictures.
It's nice that your Ward planned this activity. It gets people together on more of a social basis--than what you get out of a Sunday meeting. Looks like you all had a BLAST! RAH I wonder what a Hosenfeld Flag could look like--we would hang it over the fireplace in the Front room. what do you think? Bye Dad
I can't believe you made that flag! Talk about above and beyond. I would have taken an old white t-shirt and a marker and gone to town!
I guess now that you've discovered the beach in Utah you won't need to travel to far off exotic places to relax by the ocean. How is the scuba diving at the lake?
I am so glad for you guys that Dave decided to do the ward camp out over the Poulsen camp out. We didn't have any flags, sack or three-legged races, and no ocean. Your camp out sounded way fun. I would like to go camping with you guys for sure next summer. Put it on your calander for June and/or July and/or August and/or Labor Day.
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