Saturday, June 10, 2017

A Mom's Milestone

Hey! I just reached a milestone in my life, and it came right on time. Disclosure: It's all about ME... I have a daughter who graduated from high school. I didn't have to do ANYTHING. She enrolled in these AP and CE classes? Whatever... turns out she got college credit for stuff and now she's going to some higher education place. She is going ALL-OUT on her future or something? Anyhow, she wore some "rope" around the neck of her graduation gown and stood up when the speaker said "honor student".  I'd like to think that I had a part of her ambition. But I didn't.... I'd like to think that I'm a proud parent of an extraordinary, independent, sassy daughter. And I am! I take credit for that.

Graduating Class 2017 DAVIS HIGH SCHOOL (850 Seniors)

Proud Mom, Proud Dad


 The Hosenfeld Grandparents

The Erickson Grandparents