Soon we were out on the two lane, nicely paved road that circles the entire country. Usually there was so much to see and so many places to stop. Occasionally there was a long expanse of nothing. And at these times I would put the pedal to the metal, you know, open up the throttle. I sometimes traveled faster than 90km (60mph), no big deal! The roads were great! and flat, and uncrowded. I needed to cover some ground. Along the road we noticed some signs in Icelandic (super long word with crazy cartoon letters) and then a picture of something that looked like a rectangle with two circles in it. Mmmm, that was weird, I said to Hailey. And on we drove.
After nine days of seeing incredible things and having a wonderful time Hailey and I returned home to Utah. Three months later I received a letter from Iceland. I thought it was going to be a thank you letter from their public relations people or a survey to see how much I loved their country. Cheerfully I opened the letter. The heading was suspicious, NOTIFICATION OF FINE. And there was a phony looking stamp on the bottom.
Oh and they wanted me to put money in their "bank account"....

Hey, That's ME! I'll be darned if I didn't get a photo speeding ticket!