Every time this year I get sick of the weather. March is one big "tease-fest", one day it's 60 degrees, the next day it's 20 degrees. It rains then it snows. I just can't take it! Therefore, I try to plan an escape to a tropical paradise. After four months of winter shivering I traveled to the Cook Island's in the south pacific. There is a place so exotic and far away that everyone I know asks "where!?!" So I just tell them that it's an island way south of Hawaii and virtually in the middle of nowhere. And then I tell them that I am going alone. "What!?!
Yes, Rarotonga is my first solo trip. And Yes I loved it. A week of alone time was suprisingly exhilarating and exciting and relaxing and peaceful. I took long, slow, calm walks. I floated effortlessly in the shallow lagoon. I ate fruits right off the trees. I explored the jungle. I dived with some sharks. And I darn near died of heat poisoning.
Regarding the ferocity of the blazing Rarotongan sun, there were times when I would have paid a hundred bucks for a fountain Diet Coke on ice, or a Popcicle, or a Snow Cone or even a tall glass of icy water. At these times I missed the cold of Utah. But as soon as I saw the inviting, clear blue of the lagoon I felt I could stay there forever. The island of Rarotonga is breathtakingly beautiful but if the ocean isn't within dunking distance the heat presses down like a steamy towel.
When I returned home to Utah I felt the chill of a cool breeze, I breathed in the bone dry air and knew right away that this is where I want to be ten out of twelve months. Then I ate a whole jar of crisp, cold pickles with great satisfaction.

I stayed in a bungalow

darn near died inland

scuba dived to recover
kayaked to my own private islet