need to be mindful of. Undoubtedly they all have to do with
Tanner. Everyday I make sure he is fed, bathed and changed.
I've had 15 years to make a habit of it all and there will be
many years to come.
The other day I came across a newborn sized diaper. It was
so cute and tiny. I visualized an infant bum, miniature legs, a
small and pink body. I picture changing the diaper of this
little baby, grasping both it's tiny legs in one hand, lifting
it's little bum gently, using one or two wipes and then rolling
the diaper into a fist sized lump.
Then I picture changing a strong 110 pound baby. It's
like the calf roping event at a rodeo. I wrestle Tanner
to the ground, immobilize him with all my limbs and
all my strength and then try to beat the clock. I only
have a limited amount of time before I lose the
contest: pin him down, lift, wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe
fasten velcro, release.

I did a bit of research about poo, just for perspective.
Supposedly the poo proportion per person is 1 oz. per
12 lbs. Therefore, a cute little 12 lbs baby gives us just
1 oz. of poo per day. Whereas, a cute, big 110 lbs boy
gives us.....9 oz. of poo per day or 300 lbs of poo per