6th Grade Has Been The Best Year of My Life!
So says Hailey...
"I loved my sixth grade teacher. I had the best kids in my class.
The boys were hilarious, the girls were nice. I learned how to
dance, I did pretty good in math and I loved history. I'm
scared to go to Junior High because it will never be as good
as 6th grade."

BFF (best friends forever)

Hailey was very diligent with her homework. She knows that next
year ( Jr. High) will be "more harder".

First Love: Braydon (lucky for me he has moved to a different state)

First dance ( no pairing off....yet)

Leaving for her first "real" babysitting job next door : "I'm going to
buy a lime green Volkswagon Bug with all the money I make".

First Instrument: acoustic guitar. Some day Hailey and her dad can
play some Jimmy Buffet tunes together.

Favorite Sport: definitely soccer!

Still "imaginating" at twelve years old. I want her to stay like this
forever. Next year, Junior High, will be much harder on ME than
it will be on her.