There was a big bright light in the morning sky. I think it was
called the "sun". After weeks and weeks of dark clouds and rain,
we breathed a sigh of relief because today was the big bike ride:
The annual Little Red Riding Hood bike ride for breast cancer.

It was a crisp morning, the snow line on the mountains was low.
It had snowed just a few days ago. Car after car of biking ladies
arrived ready to tackle the road; three thousand independent women
muscling their bikes off bike racks with not a man in sight.

Jen and I are ready to get going. Once the blood starts pumping
we'll be able to feel our hands and stop shivering. It's going to be a
beautiful day.

My riding buddies and I experienced the smell of cow manure
and freshly cut grass. We rode on country roads through the
green pastures surrounded by snow capped mountains on all
sides. All the while nice ladies commented on our "nice calves"
as they passed us.

Everything you see here is made possible by my MOM!
Thanks mom.

Can't wait for next year!