Every door in this house has toothpicks stuck in the door casing.
Does a toothpick ward off evil spirits? Does it bring good luck to
the inhabitants? Do the toothpicks cast a powerful spell on whom-
ever shall enter?

No. We are not a superstitious family. We do, however, have a
sneaky little goblin living here who enjoys wreaking havoc
wherever he goes. Therefore every door is locked or chained or
blocked in some way. So if I need to fold laundry I take the
toothpick out of the door jamb and unlock the door. If I want
to go into my room I take the toothpick out of the door jamb
and unlock the door. If I want to use the restroom I take the
toothpick out of the door jamb and unlock the door. Get the point?

The fridge is locked

The cupboards are locked

Any door leading to the outside world is chained. Welcome to my world.