BEFORE: Tanner monopolized the master bedroom. The bed
was essentially his domain where he spread out like Henry VIII
after a good meal. Even though we've attempted to relocate his
slumber to other locations, he has inevitably returned, refusing
to leave.

TRANSITION: After ten years we've finally felt ready to kick Tanner
out of the bedroom completely. We locked the bedroom door. We
locked the cupboards. We locked the fridge. For all we cared, he
could roam the house all night if so inclined. In the weeks that
followed we woke up to find Tanner asleep on the couch. All lights
were on, the sink was running, the TV was blaring. BUT... he was
out of our bed!
NOW: The poor boy has finally realized that his own bed is fairly
comfortable and warm. Each night we'll still hear him rattling the
locked master bedroom door trying to return, but in the morning
Tanner will be back in his very own bed. After all these years
Tanner's room has an occupant.