Little Red Bike Tour 2010
I decided to join my mother and sisters in a little bike ride
which took us around Cache Valley's farmland. It was a
little bike ride which involved about 3000 other women,
all on bikes, some serious contenders and some riding just
for enjoyment. The hard core ladies rode 80 to 100 miles,
while the weak and wimpy rode 60 miles. I am one of the
weak and wimpy types. For four hours I pedaled with my
mom by my side. Every two or three minutes I heard "on
your left" by everyone who passed me. I really, really got
tired of hearing "on your left" so I decided to make a
comment every time.
"on your left" says a faster biker...
-----------gee, I haven't heard THAT before!
---------- no kidding!
----------I've been hearing that a lot today!
---------I feel better about myself already!
--------Yeah, and I'm on your right!
Once though I got to say it to a fellow biker.... "I'm passing
you VERY slowly on your left, in fact, we could possibly
have a small conversation while I'm passing".
Still, it was a fun ride. There was a rest stop every 15 miles
with great stuff to eat and drink. At the end we were treated
like royalty, given a crown and a fancy strawberry drink.
Then we hung out at the chocolate fondue tent and argued
about who was going to drive the car home.