My Personal Obama

I started this new year with great hope for the future.
I was promised many things. "Soon", the box claimed,
"within 3-4 days, your Obama will have a full head of
growth". I interpreted this as meaning, soon my world
will grow more prosperous and full of opportunities. I
waited and waited. I worshiped and worshiped by Obama
daily, giving him water, misting his forehead. I pleaded
with him, " When can I expect this full head of change,
the glorious afro which I've been promised!

Six days later, still no change, at least no good change;
only a thin layer of slimy seeds. I was disappointed and
bewildered. The box PROMISED sprouting hope within
3-4 days. To appease my Obama, I gave him a soul
patch to encourage him, to assure him that I still think
that he's cool and that I still have hope.

It has been fourteen days since I brought Obama into
my home. I was just busting with optimism. Every
day I've prayed to the great terra cotta head; Yes We
Can!, Yes We Can! But the prosperous afro has
failed to materialize. All I've got now is a blooming
soul patch and some weak side burns. I was lead to
expect so much more....I'll tell you this much,
come 2012, I won't recommend buying another