Saturday, November 14, 2009

First Snow Blues

This Morning I Looked Out and Saw This:

Right away, I fell into seasonal depression

Hailey relied on cookie dough to raise her spirits, solving her problems through food

After wrestling with feelings of sadness, Tanner just gave up and fell asleep
while looking for the remote control
Goodbye Summer, Autumn and all that is good and wonderful

Don't worry, there's nothing a hot bath and some cocoa won't cure

Monday, November 9, 2009

Another EXTREME Family Vacation

A Quick Trip to California for the Weekend Proves to be Full of Fun

Dad's fancy footwork while playing EXTREME frisbee

Mom's EXTREME grace while under pressure

Amelia's EXTREMELY stinky diaper

Jared and Nanette's EXTREME surfing experience

Casey's EXTREMELY long board

An EXTREMELY stupid picture taken by Dave

EXTREMELY bad karaoke

EXTREME fun at Grandma and Grandpa's 50th Wedding Anniversary

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

Once Again, Dave outdid himself with great Halloween decorations. Our house attracted 330 kids this year, all within a 3 hour time span. Unfortunately, I had to give up my very own stash of peanut butter cups hidden in the cupboard and Dave was sent on an emergency candy run to the store because we were running low. At 9:30, Hailey put up a sign " Sorry, we're out of candy". Finally, we were able to sit down and watch the whole- some comedy, Young Frankenstein, in celebration of Halloween.... Hailey's favorite line: "What Knockers!!"........ "Thank you, Doctor". (You have to see the movie to understand that one.)Our house

Tanner: Chubby, Roman Guy
"Hail Caesar!"

Hailey: Cleopatra