Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Darn Near Died Seven Times in Escalante

--- "Spooky Slot Canyon"---
(100 yds of tight twists, tough scrambles and cool rock walls)

Don't fart in a slot canyon

" Peek-a-Boo" Canyon and Pools
(muddy and slippery)

Water! , Water!

"Devil's Garden"
(cool arches and goblins)

" Lower Calf Creek Falls"
( a beautiful oasis)

"Devil's Backbone"
(thousand foot drop off on both sides, deep canyons)

"Death Hollow" ( a steep and dangerous descent into a river gorge)

First Time shooting a gun!!

It seems that every hike we did in Escalante involved some sinister name like "devil" or "death" or "spooky". Luckily, we survived the bad omens and lived to tell the tale. We avoided flash floods, lightning strikes, fatal falls , deadly storms, and getting lost in the desert. After our hard-core adventures each day, we got in the mini-van and four-wheeled it through deep, mud filled pot holes back to civilization. Finally, after 3 days of sphincter clinching on Dave's part, he was able to admit that what we did was "fun".

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Meet Tanner's Free Babysitter

Saturday was a big "Yard Day" for us. We had 5 flats of flowers to plant, plus some major spring clean up. How did we keep Tanner out of our hair??? We just left him with our trusted Toyota Truck. For 6 hours our truck kept Tanner entertained. The truck let him push radio buttons, turn on the windshield wipers, the air, the lights, the horn. The truck let Tanner open and close its doors. Tanner didn't want to leave his babysitter for any reason, not even for lunch. Finally, after a fun filled day of "sitting in the truck", the vehicle had enough and let it's battery go dead. Only then did Tanner consent to leave his treasured companion.